Winners of the 2018 ARIJ Awards

Long-Form Video Investigations
On Trial

Ali Sotouhy and Azza Mughazy


This investigation documents how global pharmaceutical companies and research centers, in collusion with government agencies and Egyptian doctors, take advantage of very sick patients, in violation of local and international laws, by testing drugs on them.

Short-Form Video Investigations
Journeys of No Return

Aseel Sareya


In this investigation, Aseel Sareya looks at the Yemeni-Eritrean dispute over fishing rights in the Red Sea and documents how Yemeni fishermen have ended up  in danger and subjected to repeated detention by Eritrean authorities.

Only Half Alive

Saleck Zeid


This investigation by Saleck Zeid documents the deplorable living conditions of  Mauritanians freed after years of being held in slavery, before it was finally outlawed. The ex-slaves cannot get identification papers or access to other services in the absence of real protection by authorities.

Data Investigations
The Opposition Test

Maha Salah el Dine


Journalist Maha Salah el Dine finds there is no real opposition in the Egyptian Parliament. Constitutional tools for opposition MPs to question and monitor the government are going unused.

Raped Children Later Cope with Psychiatric Disorders

Aya Nabil


In this piece, journalist Aya Nabil checks on children who were subjected to sexual abuse in Egypt, and documents a lack of treatment and counseling that has led in some cases to mental issues and even suicide.

Best In Arab Word
Polluted Port

Mahmoud Haneya


This investigation by Mahmoud Haneya discloses corruption in the Palestinian Naval Unit that has allowed illegal fishing in the Port of Gaza despite prohibitions by agricultural and environmental authorities.