Danish Arab Partnership Program (DAPP)
The Danish-Arab Partnership Program is Denmark’s collaboration program with the Middle East and North Africa. The program helps to strengthen good governance and ensure economic opportunities, especially for young people and women in the region, through partnerships. Countries of focus are Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan.
Since 2003, Denmark has strengthened its efforts in the Middle East and North Africa as part of the general Danish foreign and development policy. The collaboration program was launched in 2003 as the Arab Initiative and will continue under the name Danish-Arab Partnership Program until 2022. At the core of the Program are the partnerships, where Danish organizations cooperate with similar organizations in the region. The purpose of the Danish-Arab Partnership Program is to promote good governance and secure economic opportunities. Denmark supports targeted efforts in the countries of Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt and Jordan with one billion Danish kroner over five years from 2017 to 2022.